We are always anticipating the need to find fosters for the animals in our care when we reach critical capacity due to increased intakes throughout the year. Historically, the summer and spring are a very busy time at the Humane Society, kitten season being one of those reasons! We are seeking people who can provide care for a foster pet in emergency situations in order to give us more time to find a more permanent foster.
Signing up with the link below you are agreeing to be contacted regarding incoming pets who are in need of emergency placement. This emergency period can be as little as 1-2 nights. This would likely be neonatal puppies/kittens who will not survive on their own overnight, severely ill or injured animals who need constant monitoring, or when the Humane Society has run out of kennel space for medium-large dogs.
The Humane Society will provide all supplies needed to care for the pet(s).